Implementation of the roadmap, as conceived by the developers, should provide significant growth of the engineering industry and the formation of the domestic industrial design industry. Approval of the road map entailed the development of the target subprogram on engineering development, which should stimulate the development of instruments of state support of engineering and industrial design; preparation and introduction of profile standards, regulations and rules; creation and implementation of priority projects in the field of engineering and industrial design with the use of state support.
Unfortunately, both the roadmap itself and the subprogram have certain shortcomings. The main shortcoming is the lack of definition and a clear conceptual model of engineering. It's important to understand that "engineering" is a new word, definition, and only. Engineering is not a new type of activity.
According to the assessment of the Committee of Industrial Design of the National Association of Designers, engineering in the field of capital construction consists of design work by 80-90%. This includes the preparation of terms of reference together with the customer, pre-investment studies, development of design and detailed design documents. The remaining 10-20% are the functions of the designer on the project implementation: collection of initial data and survey, designer's supervision, equipment selection, preparation of process regulations, participation in start-up and adjustment works, preparation of documentation "as-built", commissioning, customer's personnel training.
Today many design organizations are no longer able to provide a full range of services, and young professionals do not have the necessary level of knowledge and skills. There are no formulated principles of graduating engineers, which over time threatens to turn into a personnel disaster and become the strongest brake on the development of the national economy.
The concepts of "engineer", "engineering activity", "engineering" are not enshrined in the legislation, the rights and obligations of engineers and those who use the results of their work are not defined. The copyright for the results of engineering activity is not regulated. Legislation does not stipulate the obligation of the author's supervision over the construction.
Industrial engineering homework help
In the context of the above-mentioned problems there is an obvious need for the development of the regulatory framework of engineering. And the leading role in this case should be played by a profile normative act with the status of the law, regulating engineering (engineering) activity in the legislative field of the state. Such a normative act is the federal law "On engineering (engineering) activity".